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About Us : About Mr. Sarfuddin
Mr.Md. Sarfuddin founded “ Sarfuddin flutes ” in 1995 . Sarfuddin was born in 1971, Patna, Bihar, into a poor family. His father was a good flute player and flute maker. Sarfuddin was interested in music since childhood due to the musical atmosphere at home. Seeing the love of music in Sarfuddin, his father decided to teach a flute. Sarfuddin’s first flute education took place from his father. Md . Sarfuddin started classical Raag , Folk music and light flute music learning under The care & guidance of “Ustad Fahimullah ” in 1985. Sarfuddin soon learned Indian music with “Ustad Fhimullah” Khan’s surveillance and his blessings. After a few years, “Ustad Fhimullah” died and Ustad was left with him. Sarfuddin has performed solo and accompaniment in flute playing in all corners of Bihar and India. Sarfuddin was awarded the “gold medal” in the field of flute playing in a program organized by the Government of Bihar in 1990. Sarfuddin received his B.High. degree from Patna All India Radio and Patna Doordarshan in 1992.Flute playing with a number of accomplished artistes of Sarfuddin Bihar has performed accompaniment and solo playing. Sarfuddin performed at a concert organized by Radio and Doordarshan Patna, Ranchi, Delhi. Sarfuddin has performed flute playing in many programs of the Government of Bihar and has also honored him. Sarfuddin has also visited many abroad in the program organized by the Bihar government, in which Mauritius is special. Sarfuddin later learned to make a flute, inspired by his father. sarfuddin founded ” sarfuddin flutes ” in 1995 . Today, all over the world, trust Sarfuddin flutes. Because a good flute player has a sense of tone and will make a good flute.